EYFS fairytale craft ideas
Storytelling is a big part of childhood. It teaches values, patience, problem-solving skills, and of course courage, virtue and kindness. Plus, it’s just so much Fun! Take a look at these EYFS Fairytale craft activities to give the children in your setting tons of stories of their own to tell!
Fire breathing Dragon craft
Why not have a go at this Dragon Breathing Fire? When the child blows through the hole in the cup, the streamers at the front of the cup blow around!

Sensory writing in fairy dust
Your children can practice writing their spells in this Fairy Dust! It’s a fun way for children to practice their letters and numbers.

Toilet roll king
Your kids will love making this Toilet Roll King!

Under the sea adventure
Your kids will love making this Toilet Roll King!

Magical shields
If Knights are fighting dragons then surely they need these Magical Shields?